The Prado Museum.

What paintings are we going to analyze?

 La Meninas, La fragua de Vulcano, La Familia de Carlos IV. Las Hilanderas, El caballero con la mano en el Pecho, El sueño de Jacob, El lavatorio de Tintoretto, La Adoración de  los reyes magos de Rubens, Las Hilanderas, Carlos V Tiziano. 

Este es el enlace en Castellano.

How to analize art Paintings?: 

1. Description.
Subject or theme represented. Indicate if there is a main scene and if there is a secondary idea, and if both are united. What do the characters in the painting do? How many there are? How are they dressed?

2. Formal elements:
Technique: fresh, tempera, watercolor, oil, pastel, wax, gouache, collage, engraving ...

Support: wall, table, canvas, paper, glass …

Light: Type: natural, artificial, study ...; origin: environmental (clear, serene ...), of a specific focus (lamp, sun ...), arising from the object itself. Intensity and contrast with the shadows; Function: creation of volume, support for perspective, expressive values ​​…
Color: range used (cold, warm) and shades. Its nature (local or symbolic). Relationship with light and modeling (flat or shaded colors). Function of the work, protagonist or secondary.

3. The Perspective: 

The linear perspective is that parallel lines that go from closer to farther converge at a vanishing point, which creates an illusion of depth. This vanishing point is located deep within the frame.
The aerial perspective perfects the linear perspective, representing the atmosphere that surrounds the objects, blurring the converging lines, eliminating the limits of form and color, which gives a very real impression of the distance. In a painting, drawing or painting with aerial perspective, the climatic and atmospheric conditions (smoke, fog) provide a sensation of depth, since the colors and tonality of the image are cushioned as the distance increases. The different chromatic changes make it easier for the aerial perspective to stand out and stand out.
The cavalier perspective contains the objects but they have more pronounced deformities.
Having the main axes X, Y, Z (figure to the right) we will use a reduction for a good spatial representation. The scale that we must reduce will only be on the Y axis, applying half of the dimension of the object to be drawn. It is used when a piece, due to its complexity, is not easy to interpret through its views, such as, for example, the instruction manuals of all types of machinery.

4. Composition:

Compose is to order, select, arrange, distribute and structure plastic elements visuals that make up the work, taking into account concepts such as balance, distribution of masses, symmetry, light, color, among others. You can get it through the:

5. Distribution of figures (simple or complex); Internal movement (dynamic or static composition). Closed or open. El expolio ", by El Greco, presents a closed composition in an oval for the figure of Christ (whose greater diameter goes from top to bottom) so that the rest of the body is tied to the space of that oval. composition is CLOSED, but not so for the set of the work that is an OPEN composition, where the characters are distributed in the space in different ways in planes closer to Christ and in others further away.

6. Forms of expression.

Forms of expression: ● Abstract or figurative, Abstract when the composition does not refer to objective reality. Abstract art does not consider figurative representation necessary and tends to replace it with an autonomous visual language, endowed with its own meaning.
In the Figurative style, forms are defined in a manner close to reality, sometimes faithfully and sometimes distorting it.

7. Temporal dimension of the work.

Relate it to the artistic movement (Renaissance, Baroque, avant-garde....) and the historical stage That belongs the work (modern age, medieval, late NINETEENTH century or Important historical events). 6. Opinión about the Paint. And of course a good personal opinion about the work.


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